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Circle K International is the world's largest student-led collegiate service organization. There are more than 500 CKI clubs around the world. And CKI's positive impact on students continues to be a proven influence at thousands of colleges and universities.


In each club, members work together to improve their schools, their communities, and the world. That work results in benefits that shine through in the lives of the students...and in the institution that sponsor their clubs.


Develop self-assured young adults. Members become more effective and confident as they address needs and challenges throughout their communities.

Encourage service learning. Club members' service and development can be an excellent complement to academic and life skills.

Enrich campus culture. CKI helps make the university setting a kinder and more inclusive place.

Increase visibility. Through service, students increase the prominence and enhance the reputation of the Kiwanis club and the college or university they represent.



For CKI clubs and the adults who support them, success is a two-way street. CKI service leads schools, organizations, and Kiwanis clubs to greater prominence and an enhanced reputation in the community. Club members themselves benefit from the efficiency and guidance that help make the experience special.


Nobody knows more about students' potential than the people who work with and mentor them. That's why a CKI club is supported by the college or university and by a member of a sponsoring Kiwanis club. CKI clubs are student-led, but your support can help members:


  • Follow school rules that pertain to club bylaws, financial records, service projects, and fundraising

  • Form partnerships and plan projects with other groups that serve the campus and community

  • Find meeting space for club and board meetings

  • Recruit new members through contacts with other students and staff members

  • Spread the work about CKI and its initiatives

  • Gather ideas and suggestions for service projects – from the staff, the administration, and people throughout the community


In addition, a collaborative partnership between advisors can show why teamwork matters. In fact, club members develop the good memories and sense of gratitude that last a lifetime.


CKI members are part of the Kiwanis family. For many, it's the beginning of a lifelong journey of service. Sponsoring Kiwanis clubs benefit too. A CKI club can help a Kiwanis club gain:

Invigorated members with a rejuvenated commitment to service

Fresh connections with faculty, staff members, and other service-minded people

New members attracted by their contact with CKI


The sponsoring Kiwanis club pays a one-time chartering fee. Afterward, the club's annual cost is affordable because it's tailored to the club's needs. Of course, the best Kiwanis advisors regularly attend CKI club meetings – and welcome members to Kiwanis club meetings. They include the CKI club's activities in the Kiwanis club's budget. And they make CKI members welcome at Kiwanis club projects and events. In short, Kiwanians show students how to lead and serve beyond the college years.


Information from Kiwanis International

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